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"Protecting Your IP in a Remote World, Post-Pandemic and Beyond" Webinar Recap

The very successful April 15th webinar was presented by ChiWIP’s In-House Advisory Committee members Aimee Nolan, Vice President, Associate General Counsel and Chief IP Counsel for W.W. Grainger, Inc., Laura DeMoor, Associate General Counsel, IP, for Baxter Healthcare Corporation, and special guest, Glynna Christian, Partner and Head of Global Technology Transactions for Holland & Knight. The panel was moderated by In-House Advisory Committee Liaison, Molly Keelan.

Aimee kicked off our panel by discussing trade secret protection best practices for law firms and corporations, including reinforcing the law firm/company security measures and reviewing current on-boarding and off-boarding processes. Glynna shared her experience helping law firms to implement proper security measures, such as handling confidential documents, privacy risks, and working from new out-of-office work environments. Laura then updated us on the current trade secret litigation landscape with a discussion about the rise of trade secret cases in district and state courts, as well as the ITC, typical fact patterns found in trade secret cases, and remedies available in terms of damages and injunctions.

A best practices takeaway, which summarizes many of the points covered in our discussion, is available here. Please note that this takeaway sheet is not intended to be and does not constitute legal advice, nor do the points in the takeaway necessarily represent the opinions and views of any particular speaker or her employer. No one should act upon such information without first seeking appropriate professional advice about the facts and circumstances of your particular situation.


Nicole Janovick
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