Design Patents: A Panel Discussion
On October 9th, the Professional Development Committee hosted a panel discussion on design patents at Barnes & Thornburg LLP. Professor Sarah (Fackrell) Burstein, Calista Mitchell, and Robyn Bowland provided valuable insight and an in-depth conversation on design patents, design patent applications, the USPTO treatment of design patents, and the recent changes in design patent law.
Part 2: Compensation – Date Deep Dive
Don't miss Part 2 of our lunchtime webinar series on in-house counsel life, co-hosted by the ChiWIP In-House Advisory Committee and the Association of Corporate Counsel's Women In The House (WITH) Network. This session will focus on compensation and feature insights from Laurel Palluzi, Susanna McDonald, and Mindy Sircus. Moderated by Mary Schnurr, the panel will explore different compensation structures for public, private, and not-for-profit companies, researching and understanding compensation data across demographic segments, and negotiating salaries and advocating for raises, bonuses, or title changes. Tune in to learn more about in-house counsel compensation!
Diversity and Inclusion: Views from Across the Pond
On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, ChiWIP and the Women in IP Community of IP Inclusive joined together for a one-of-a-kind international event. Watch as an all-star panel of experts discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the U.S. and U.K., the importance of keeping DE&I top of mind as we all return to the office, and how we can continue to introduce and retain women in our workforce.
What Is Happening to DE&I?
A Panel Discussion in the Aftermath of the Harvard Decision and Subsequent Litigation
On March 14th, we gathered at McAndrews, Held and Malloy for a dynamic conversation on the state of DE&I in law firms and companies. Watch the recording now to explore insights from our expert panelists on the state of DE&I post-Harvard decision. Learn about the current legal framework and its impact on firms and companies.
Part 1: So You Think You Want to Go In-House?
View a recording from Part 1 of our Webinar Series: In-House Counsel Life. Committee members Kristine Bergman, Stephanie Nelson, and Tyler Myers discuss: researching and interviewing for the job; understanding differences in compensation structures and how to benchmark and negotiate your compensation; and recognizing that in-house isn’t for everyone.
ChiWIP Fireside Chat with Lizzy Diaz Ortiz
Watch our fireside chat, where we discussed what fuels Lizzy’s commitment to diversity, the common mistakes she sees companies or firms make when trying to address DE&I, and tips we can all implement in helping create a more diverse and inclusive workplace.